Preschool Readiness
Getting Your Child Ready
• Help your child start the school day rested and well nourished.
• Be sure your child gets up early enough to go to the toilet, wash him or herself, and dress in clean clothes.
• Train your child to say his name and address so that it can be easily understood.
• Encourage your child to realize that school is a happy place and an important place of wonderful experiences.
• Help your child realize that the teacher is his or her friend.
• Teach your child to put on and take of his or her outerwear and keep them together, mittens and hat with coat. Outdoor clothing, including boots that are large enough will encourage independence.
• Please label your child’s clothing with his or her name.
• Preschool activities can be messy; we encourage play clothes.
• Preschool involves active play. Footwear needs to be sturdy and safe. (Flip flops, clogs, slippery soled shoes can be dangerous and uncomfortable.)
• Teach your child to take care of his or her toilet needs
• Help your child brush his teeth each day.
• Being on time and regular in school attendance is a good habit to start in your children now.
• Encourage your child to love stories and books by reading to your child daily.
• Give your child the opportunity to accept responsibility at home for such things as picking up toys, hanging up clothes, and other small chores.
• Give your child the opportunity at home to practice listening and following simple directions.
• Start and end each day with hugs, kisses, and words of praise.
• Please keep your child at home if he or she is ill (recent vomiting, diarrhea, fever, general malaise that prevents your child from enjoying school activities) Children recover much faster at home and in the process will not infect others in the class.
At Messiah Lutheran we provide our students with an opportunity to draw closer to Jesus Christ. We encourage you to be regular in church attendance as a family. We believe it is essential to model Christian behavior for our children everyday!